Asenath Bwana


The Institution recognizes the overall purpose of sound procurement procedures that will ensure that Coast Institute of Technology (C.I.T) gets the highest quality of desired goods and services at the best prices possible.

These procurement procedures apply to all staff involved in the procurement process and to all types of procurement. The institution will implement them to ensure that all the relevant Procurement Rules, Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2015 and Regulations 2006 and its amendments of 2013 are adhered to.

We will,
i. Ensure that procurements of goods, works and services of the public entity are within approved budget of that entity;
ii. Constitute all procurement and asset disposal committees within a procuring entity in accordance with the Act;
iii. Ensure procurement plans are prepared in conformity with the medium term fiscal framework and fiscal policy objectives and, subject to subsection (3), submit them to the National Treasury;
iv. Ensure proper documentation of procurement proceedings and safe custody of all procurement records in accordance with the Act;
v. Ensure compliance with sections 68, 147, 148 and 149 of the Public Finance Management Act, No. 18 of 2012.
vi. Approve and sign all contracts of the procuring entity;
vii. Ensure the procurement and asset disposal process of the public entity shall comply with this Act;
viii. Ensure that the procurement processes are handled by different professional offices in respect of procurements, initiation, processing and receipt of goods, works and services;
ix. Submit to the Authority the part in its procurement plan demonstrating application of preference and reservations schemes in relation to the procurement budget within sixty days after commencement of the financial year.
x.Ensure compliance with any other responsibilities assigned by this Act or any other Act ofParliament or as may be prescribed in Regulations and Circulars.

Read 3479 times Last modified on Thursday, 26 October 2023 07:43
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